Have you been charged with a DUI in Towns County or in the North Georgia area? You may have noticed that DUI is not just about drinking and driving these days. Suppose the officer pulled you over for some minor traffic offense like speeding or running a stop sign. He doesn't smell alcohol on your breath, but feels that something smells funny - like marijuana, or even like perfume that the officer thinks was sprayed to hide the smell of marijuana. Then the officer notices that your eyes are red. So of course the officer feels that you must be a DUI driver because red eyes and perfume equal a dangerous marijuana fueled driver! Sheesh.
So let's get to the basics - even if a blood test is conducted and marijuana is found to be in the drivers system, does this mean they were less safe to drive? The U.S. Department of Transportation conducted DUI research concerning marijuana and driving impairment. It found that marijuana is only occasionally impairing. Also, marijuana stays in the system for days, so marijuana that shows up in a blood screen could have been old and is certainly not evidence of DUI standing alone.
If you are facing a DUI - marijuana charge in Towns County, call North Georgia DUI lawyer Richard Lawson to discuss your case. These cases are winnable.
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